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A whole half year

Beitragsbild Ein ganzes, halbes Jahr

August is just around the corner and we review how the first half of the year went for Setlog.
It feels like we just started the year 2018 and suddenly it’s already half way over. The months go by faster than some people would like. In the stressful everyday life, it quickly becomes forgotten what really happened in the time that has passed.
It happens to us, too. For this reason, we have once again reminiscing in this article about all the highlights that we consider worth mentioning.

New subsidiary

2018 began with a major change for the Setlog Group. After founding Setlog Holding AG in the previous year, it got another subsidiary in January with limbiq GmbH. The building of Software as a Service is the focus for limbiq and thus complements Setlog’s product range.

Guido Brackelsberg together with Jakob Gielen

Events, Events, Events

Spring was also marked by events around the world and the digitization of markets in general.
From the sponsoring of the AAFA Product Safety Seminar in Long Beach and the AAFA Executive Summit in Washington D.C. to the annual reception of the IHK Mittleres Ruhrgebiet and the TPM Conference in Long Beach – Setlog had a lot going on. At the numerous events, we learned more about trends and developments in the textile and logistics markets, as well as discussed extensively about the possibilities of digitizing processes and the enormous importance of data in the industry. The continuous development of our software and thus the optimization of the supply chain for our customers is always our top priority and guides all our measures.

Setlog at PI Apparel in New York

Digitization and Logistics – Still Vision or already Reality?

In March we were able to celebrate a big highlight when we invited to the event “Digitization and Logistics – Still Vision or already Reality?” together with the BVL. Numerous experts and companies from the logistics sector were present when we talked about the latest technologies and digital achievements in logistics on an international level.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael ten Hompel, Institute Director at Fraunhofer IML together with Ralf Düster, CEO at Setlog GmbH

Top-class speakers such as Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Michael ten Hompel from Fraunhofer IML, Dr. Karsten Schweichhart from T-Systems International GmbH, and Dr. Peter Scholz, Head of the Department of Trade, Services and Logistics, Ministry of Economics, Innovation, Digitization and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia honored us and gave lectures for all those present. We are already looking forward to further exciting moments with this event format.

Women in Tech

With our COO Simone Ross we have a real supply chain management expert on board at Setlog Corp. Simone Ross has already proven her expertise at numerous events and will also prove in the second half of 2018 that #WomenInTech play an important role.
In April she gave a two-day workshop at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, where she taught more on the topic “Breakthrough Systems for Managing Product Development in the Supply Chain”.
If you are interested in her next lectures, take a look at our other events coming up: We would be happy to make an appointment so that you can get into a deeper conversation.

At Setlog we are also breaking new grounds in digital marketing and are conquering completely new horizons for our software company from Bochum. Nora Breuker, Digital Marketing Strategist, represented Setlog at various Marketing and Startup events in NRW and gave various presentations on digital marketing topics. Among others, the, Startup-Nights Dortmund, the Online Marketing Meetup and the Content Slam in Düsseldorf.

Nora Breuker, Digital Marketing Strategist at Setlog, as speaker at            (Foto:

Data Sharing at the Hannover Messe

What would a supply chain navigation system for global logistic chains look like? Based on extensive data sharing, Setlog’s anonymized freight data is merged with public data. The goal is to use dynamic simulation models to make international supply chains transparent and reliable in planning across all areas of transportation. Exactly this platform for the fusion and analysis of data was presented at the Hannover Messe with the Telekom Data Intelligence Hub (DIH) and Setlog as a partner. At the Hannover Messe, Setlog and T-Systems presented a use case for one of the busiest container routes in the world – from Shanghai to Hamburg.

Presentation of the Setlog Use Case in cooperation with T-Systems at the Hannover Messe 2018.

Digital Innovation Ruhr

From “Neural Networks” to “Microservices” to “Emotional Triggers for Better Click Rates” – the topics we deal with in our monthly Meetup „Digital Innovation Ruhr“ are always hot topics and drive progress for us and our guests.

Networking in a relaxed atmosphere at the Digital Innovation Ruhr Meetups.

In the first half of 2018 we presented a wide range of topics from IT, through Marketing to Startups. The series of events is always a happy occasion to which we invite everyone serving cool drinks, delicious food and a lot of energy. That’s our contribution to an innovative Ruhr area.

Welcome on board

Last but not least – We are happy and proud to have gained a new customer of Setlog Corp with the American company CSS-Industries. Both our development team from Bochum and our team in New York City have done a lot of work to get workshops and the implementation of our software up and running in a short time.

Speaking of running. In the first 6 months of the new year our OSCA SCM system went live for the Swiss running shoe manufacturer ON. In order to make the worldwide delivery flows of the rapidly growing company transparent, our supply chain management software was introduced and now controls all transport-relevant processes from booking to arrival of the goods at the destination.

ON is running with Setlog’s OSCA now.

We can look back on eventful and exciting 6 months and are looking forward to the second half of 2018.

How’d your whole half year go?