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Ruhrfaktor Young Professionals – Setlog and the matter of generations

Beitragsbild Ruhrfaktor Young Professionals – Setlog and the matter of generations

How can companies be linked to the so-called Generation Z? What do companies – traditional or modern – have to do to get closer to this generation? And do they even have to? And how can the generations Y and Z be merged?

The new IHK format “RuhrFaktor – Young Professionals” on 12.09.2018 was dedicated to Young Professionals and startup interested people to talk about such questions and to exchange ideas.

Beside or Pottkinder the Setlog did also participate to take up these questions. Digital Marketing Strategist Nora Breuker represented Setlog in the section “Young Professionals”, discussing together with the hosts of the IHK, the other disputants Felix von Zittwitz (Director and Head of Sales Talent Platforms) and Carina Ahlbrand (Human Ressources G DATA Software AG) and of course the auditorium about what moves Young Professionals and companies.

Some representatives of classic companies asked about how these two generations can reconcile and, above all, how executives respond to Generation Z, Nora talked about Setlog’s view of the things that flow through our everyday lives.


“At first I had no idea about Supply Chains”


So she pleaded that just the young people – often university graduates – can throw a fresh look at the internal aspects of the company. The (supposed) characteristics of the so-called Generation Z, that they demand feedback, change things and, above all, want to be actively involved, are an essential part of Setlog’s corporate culture. This is where generations come together, which are not characterized by coexistence but by mutual cooperation, learn a lot from each other and complement each other with the genration-specific peculiarities and do not stand in the way.


“We are looking for people who really want to go at it”


Of course, some knowledge and experience is also an important part, but the focus is more on willingness and, above all, the passion to work on complex issues such as supply chain processes, software or logistics in general and to create and promote something together. So technical competence, the willingness and community are the most important basis to build a company to advance and lead.


“Start being a good company”

There is a lot of truth in these emotional and concluding words from Felix and reflects the conviction of Setlog to be a good company and above all to recognize personalities, to promote and to connect them with the expertise that is either brought along or learned together and then expanded and promoted. Everyone agreed that it is up to the business to adapt if they want to appeal to the generations. If you decide to become more modern and agile as a business, it is also a decision to move towards the generations and not wait for them to change. That’s why Setlog is always on the move to recognize the ravages of time, to give opportunities and to be “a good company”.