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OSCA’s Quality Control

Beitragsbild OSCA Quality Control

Nothing runs without it, it’s hard to imagine logistics without it. The increasing awareness of quality control has long been established in complex logistics processes, whereby quality is no longer just important to the end user.

With regard to quality control, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to take up a position to keep up and stand out within the market.

Quality Control creates a high potential for identification between companies, the product and the consumer, but primarily contributes significantly to simplified and more efficient logistics processes.

We at Setlog are convinced of such a quality control within these processes and tackle the problem at the roots. Our software OSCA acts as a central solution for quality management and quality assurance and serves as a communication platform between the customer, the producer / supplier as well as the test laboratories and inspectors. The central control of product tests and inspections is intended to increase transparency and efficiency and to reduce costs by digitizing the test processes.

          Together for quality

Many companies already use our Quality Control Module. The benefits and advantages for our customers are the complete absence of confusing email traffic and Excel lists, since OSCA serves as a central communication platform for quality management, laboratories / inspectors and purchasing agencies or suppliers. Already during the production process in the production country, it should be ensured that products comply with the statutory regulations and also meet industry-specific and internal specifications.

Products are tested for non-conforming substances and thus excluded that defective products do not enter the market and thus customer complaints and complaints are reduced.

If desired, the organization of product testing should be made more transparent and, if necessary, products should only be tested once again with a similar material composition.

If the goods are increasingly checked before shipment to avoid returns or second choice.

Especially for high-risk groups such as toys, small electrical items and food, it must be guaranteed that no hazardous substances or defective products will be sold.

          Our technology

But how can such quality assurance be realized on a technical level with such complex logistics processes with OSCA?

In general, we distinguish between two subareas: the product tests and the inspections. These two subareas are subdivided into tests and inspections in the production country (@source) and in the country of arrival / at the warehouse (@destination).

The @source tests and inspections are usually done before the official release of goods for shipment. This is to ensure that defective goods do not even make their way to Germany, as the shipment of the goods also incurs costs for the customer.

The @destination tests and inspections are then carried out on arrival at the warehouse and thus before the goods are put on the market.

          Why OSCA?

Why should companies choose OSCA? OSCA expands our supply chain process with another area that companies want to gain more and more transparency in the past and in the future. Tests can be made more efficient and the performance of testing laboratories and producers transparent. In addition, the increasing transparency results in a reduction of the testing costs.

We and our customers share the same vision and the same goals. Together with them, our employees and our software, we want to make the world a bit better.