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German Supply Chain Act, 7 requirements have to be met!

The German government has finally passed the new Supply Chain Act. Companies that violate it face heavy fines. Already in 2020, the goal was set that at least 50% of German companies with more than 500 employees must have introduced effective human rights protection measures.

The following actions are to be taken and guaranteed as protective measures under the umbrella of the German Supply Chain Act:

– Risk assessment for people and the environment

– Countermeasures in the event of human rights violations and environmental degradation

– Transparency regarding the measures taken

– Complaint points for aggrieved parties

– Adequate human rights diligence

– Avoidance of child labor

– Wages which guarantee livelihood adapted to the country of production

With the German Supply Chain Act, the promises made to the UN Human Rights Council in 2011 are now to be kept.