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Unsolicited application to Setlog

Are you looking for the right job for you?

Then send us an unsolicited application!

Do you have any questions about the advertised positions or about Setlog? Then give us a call or contact us by e-mail. You can also find out more about Setlog as an employer on our careers page.

We look forward to receiving your application!

We will be happy to see if we can offer you a position that matches your qualifications.

Setlog HR Ansprechpartnerin Marion - Jobs in Bochum

Marion Dören

Your contact person

If you are unsure whether the position we have advertised is right for you, please contact us personally.

+49 234 720285 70

Find us here

Setlog Corp.

420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 300
New York, NY 10170

T: +1 212 209 3969

Setlog GmbH

Alleestrasse 80
44793 Bochum

T: +49 234 720 285 00
F: +49 234 720 285 99

Setlog GmbH

Mittelstr. 12-4, Haus C
50672 Cologne

T: +49 221 466 890 16