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Stephanie Schreinermacher

“What department do you work in and what’s your job title?”

I work in Support, Team “Bugattack” and my job title is Manager Customer Relations.

“What exactly do you do at Setlog?”

I am trained as a forwarding agent and started at Setlog in the operations department. There I supported our customers in the logistical and customs handling of their goods deliveries. Since Setlog has developed and realigned itself in recent years and we have grown many times over, my area of responsibility has also changed. So now I can support our customers in their day-to-day business and actively assist them with technical questions concerning OSCA®. This is usually done via the ticket system, where customer enquiries are received by email. Since many customers also like to use the telephone support, we are of course also available for personal phone calls. We support the individual teams by our initial check of the inquiries, if necessary take bugs (therefore the creative team name ?) to check and catch so some of the arising questions or problems.

“What does your daily work look like?”

Every day is different from the previous one. Since we take care of the day-to-day business in support (my 3 colleagues and I), we never know what will happen. A bit like roulette – new day, new game. From inquiries to create new customer accounts, to system errors or also to the use of the system, we usually handle everything in the support team.

We explain to one or the other user how the system is installed, how it is used, or why, for example, the order is suddenly no longer below the point in the system where it was yesterday.

But this is only a tiny part of what we do. Since we work in support with all customer systems, we can often not go into depth, but then gladly record the requests so that the project teams can look at them in detail and check them out.

“What do you like about Setlog?”

That it is relatively self-determined work, and above all, especially for personal reasons, the feel good managers on 4 paws. This not only makes private planning easier, but you also notice that 90% of the colleagues like to stop at one of the furry friends and give or pick up some cuddles in between. Frida is definitely team member no. 5 in our team. I think it’s good that we have the chance to do home office from time to time. Because my way to work is 70km long per route, I’m happy to save time, nerves and money every now and then. We all know what the highways look like during rush hour ?

“What hobbies do you pursue in your spare time?”

Definitely my family and my dog. My free time is well filled with my loved ones. If it can be arranged, I enjoy a relaxed walk with my dog Frida in the evening. If she’s in the office, you can also relax for a few minutes at noon in the Westpark, behind our office building. We recently started mantrailing with our dog and it is really exciting and fun. For our dog, as well as Dog Mom and Dad. I love to travel and am a big Canada fan. You better not get me started on that topic though, because there is not enough space for all my answers 🙂