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Nora Breuker

“What department do you work in and what’s your job title?”

My official job title is Digital Marketing Strategist and I work in marketing.

“What exactly are you doing at Setlog?”

I manage the marketing and all public relations activities at Setlog. I’m also working with my team to make employer branding the real deal at Setlog. We are a bit like the heart of Setlog, where everything comes together regarding our external image as well as our inner satisfaction. We are always the contact persons for new ideas and for the realization of individual employees when it comes to creativity. In addition to the daily marketing tasks, I often participate in cross-team meetings, work on things like vision and goals and organize the “Digital Innovation Ruhr” Meetup together with my girls.

“What does your daily work look like?

Colourful and stressful, but also super creative and eventful. I’d like to say that we sit down in the morning and work through our to-do’s for the rest of the day, but in fact we often have to react to things at relatively short notice, get more tasks added here and there, and many situations arise all of the sudden. Not everything is in our hands. Since we work a lot with external service providers such as agencies, printers and trade fair organizers, we have to stick to their deadlines and guidelines a lot. In our marketing team we have divided our competences.I manage the areas such as inbound marketing (newsletter, lead generation and co.), strategy, community building, public relations etc.
Many people believe that marketing doesn’t do much else than post a bit on Facebook and create colorful pictures. In fact, we work very analytically, measure ourselves with KPI’s, are very data-driven and check our numbers regularly. At the beginning of the year we set ourselves clear goals and in the following 12 months we try to crush all these goals.

“How did you get into IT?”

I don’t work as an IT professional myself, but of course I am somehow a “Women in Tech”, since I now work in a software company. Two years ago I came across Setlog and became part of the team when the job advertisement appealed to me so much. It sounded like they were looking for someone to build a whole department from scratch, form communities and develop a marketing strategy. That was definitely the case and I’m still excited about it today. I never had the goal to go into the tech world, but now I’m here and I like it.

“What do you like about Setlog?”

Setlog gives me a lot of freedom. When I started here, relatively little marketing – as I know it – was done. I had the wonderful, challenging task of building up an entire department and introducing the right marketing strategies and measures. Nobody really told me what to do, I was able to develop everything myself and brought in a lot of ideas. Setlog is always open to new ideas, to innovation, and even if some people need a little more persuasion, you can develop really well.  I think that Setlog opens all doors for you to create your own career – if you want it. I quickly found myself on stage for Setlog as well as for other topics I’m burning for. In addition, attending events is also part of my job to a large extent. All this is lovingly tolerated and gives me the chance to really develop further.

“What makes the work at Setlog special?

There are new challenges every day. This is sometimes exhausting and sometimes tough, but my everyday life is definitely never boring. We always have a lot to do and work with super interesting people.
An important aspect that was decisive for me when I started here was definitely the factor that I can bring my dogs with me. There are now about 9 dogs in the office, which not only makes the office more fun and relaxed, but also makes you feel good.

“What makes Setlog special for you as an employer?

Definitely the team we have here at Setlog. I’ve been through a lot of jobs and have been with a few employers. After all these years, besides the actual tasks and some other priorities, the team is definitely the most important thing for me.
When you work with people you can laugh and joke with, when you meet them after work, when you like to see them every Monday, it’s worth a lot. That’s what you have here at Setlog. Apart from the possibility to unfold, there are also some really cool benefits here.
For example our monthly Meetup, which always brings exciting lectures with it. We go to interesting events, represent Setlog and are allowed to travel here and there. You are completely self-organized in your own team and can arrange everything from holidays and working hours to daily business and you don’t have to ask your boss for permission. Setlog suits my very stressful life anyway. I am a bit work addicted and have other projects that I can pursue thanks to my flexibility.

“What are your plans for the future?”

If someone had told me 1, 2 or 5 years ago that my life and career would one day be the way it is, I don’t know if I believed it. I have learned over the last few years that most of the time it doesn’t come out the way you want it to. Of course I have dreams and wishes, but I also live in the moment and let things come to me, or are open for change. A little more sleep would be great. 😉
For my job at Setlog I certainly hope that we will really establish ourselves as a brand and that our Meetup “Digital Innovation Ruhr” will continue to break visitor records: We want to be the No. 1 in NRW!

“How do you know where you work?”

I wish I was neat – but I’m not. I always have a lot to drink: coffee, tea and sometimes water. Otherwise you can recognize my workplace by my half marathon photo from Las Vegas and lots of papers.

“3 words: Why Setlog?

Colleagues, future-oriented, self-fulfillment

“What hobbies do you pursue in your spare time?”

I have two dogs and try to spend as much time as possible with them. This includes walking and running together. I like taking pictures very much and I travel a lot. I still want to see so much of the world!
When I have free time, I like to read, am a TV show junkie and love music.

“What is your great passion?

Community! I run the biggest community for overweight runners and have made it my mission to promote community building in the world. We all need a bit more community – whether professional or just in life.

“How do you deal with challenges?

Whine a little bit and then go! It’s okay to be unhappy about some situations, but then you have to roll up your sleeves and take care of it. We grow with challenges. Nobody has yet become an expert when everything went smoothly.