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Christian Trappe

“What department do you work in and what’s your job title?”

I work in Account & Product Management, which may be a better and more beautiful way of saying sales. In fact it goes beyond that and my work is not only to connect customers with our product, but to further optimize the relationship between the two. This has a lot to do with our product development as well as maintaining the customer relationship.

“What’s your daily routine like at work?”

Colourful and that’s a good thing. As one of the “old ones” at Setlog, there is always something to do, may it be owed to our history or maybe new adventures. For over 14 years, no day has been like the other.

“How did you become what you are now?” 

I lost a bet  ?. Joke aside. Pretty standard – at the end of my studies I was looking for something that fits my focus: logistics and organization

“What do you like about Setlog?”

The colleagues, team spirit and constant novelty.

“What makes working at Setlog special?”

In addition to the already mentioned great colleagues it is of course the relationship with our customers. Not uncommonly we are actually developing friendships. Oh yes, and the chance to see the world. Since our system is used worldwide, Setlog is always on the move. Almost every colleague from the business sector has already been to the Far East or the US.

“What makes Setlog special as an employer for you?”

It’s the fact that we are able to just “do”. The trust that is placed in you and too be able to do what rarely happens in a company.

“What are your plans for the future?”

Greatness… but I don’t want to spoil it and instead keep the tension up.

“How do you recognize your workplace?”

When I’m in the office… then coffee, lots of coffee and coffee and a small disturbance in the space-time continuum… because I’m not the typical 8 hour worker who disappears after work is done.

“3 words: Why Setlog?”

Future, change, colleagues

“What hobbies do you pursue in your spare time?”

Family first… sometime ago I also played music … and since 2 years I am a home owner with my own garden. That’s pretty much the right counterpart to the work at Setlog for me.

“What is your greatest passion?”

For a living? To prove yourself again and again and to reinvent yourself. 2 years ago I would have answered this question completely different.

“How do you deal with challenges?”

Curiosity! Fun!… and without fear! – My 8-year-old son is a great inspiration.