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Donations for the rescuers

Some regions in Germany have been hit hard by the floods and even we in the Ruhr area have not been spared.

Not only companies and the belongings of private persons have been damaged, but also the stations of our volunteer rescuers, who themselves were in action for others. For this reason, we decided to send a donation to the rescuers of the DLRG in Bochum Dahlhausen and in the Southern part of Bochum, so that they can rebuild their stations after the rescue work in the flooded areas..

The DLRG is a life-saving organization that is financed entirely by donations and membership fees. It is therefore even more important that this organization is now supported by all of us. The important and urgently needed equipment for rescue operations fell victim to the floods, as did the training and education rooms, including the materials.

If you would also like to support the DLRG, so that lives can be saved at any time on our waters, and our children can continue to learn to swim, then we ask you to also donate to the DLRG.

The donation accounts of the affected DLRG guards can be found here: