The chairs and tables are back in their place, the office is tidy, everyday life is back. But the enthusiasm of the Meetup of 21.08.2018 with Michael Höcker still echoes almost a week later – and it will continue.

Even though all our Meetups are of course always something special, this was completely beyond the scope of the visitor numbers. A mixture of joy but also a bit of panic accompanied the organizing team as they saw the number of registrations increase…

and it rose…

…and rose…

“what if all the applicants come…?”

…then the Setlog team is happy! But we wouldn’t be Setlog if we could not cope it, too. A few milk cans here, a few deco cows there…plenty of food (at this point a thank you to the Globetrotter team: without you the “Mettenden” would never have found their way into the assortment!) and drinks and last but not least our big photo special, for which the lovingly placed disposable cameras should give the guests an extra portion of fun – and they did. Even though Michael Höcker’s lecture was a highlight in itself, we also wanted to offer our guests an appropriate supporting program! Last but not least, our beloved cow Klarabella rounded off the agricultural flair of the evening – as head of the online marketing strategy at Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH in Münster, Michael gave every reason to create this ambience.

“Fancy a Klicki?”

The panic of the setloggies was also reduced with the whirling and smiling of the guests. After the participants had registered and received their name tags, they could all get to know each other, exchange ideas and of course take photos in our self-proclaimed photo box aka “Conference Room Stuckenborstel”:

“Did you get the Facebook algorithm…?”

…thanks to Michael Höcker: Yes, we did! A convinced participant describes the evening as follows:

“The lecture was very entertaining and Michael was able to convey the topic of online marketing in agriculture in a really interesting way. I found the title of the Meetup a bit misleading, because Facebook algorithms often only mentioned the strategy that you have to “try something out” to see how it goes. But I always had the feeling that Michael knew what he was talking about and that Facebook was a good platform for building reach.”

At the end of his presentation he said: “One picture per question! But for all the questions and suggestions of the auditorium, Michael unfortunately didn’t have enough pictures in his presentation. But not bad, pictures can be used twice. That’s how our guests are: curious and eager for more!

“What a party!”

In the end a lot of compliments: At this point a big thank you to the Setlogfamily, to all helpers and last but not least to our great guests and Michael Höcker, whose lecture not only filled our rooms, but also our knowledge regarding the Facebook algorithm!

We look forward to seeing you all again at the next Meetup! And at the next but one, the next but one, the next but one…